Thursday, August 7, 2008

Most Powerful And Smallest Binocular

against bullying is not enough on 7

unconvincing principals the return of rejected on grounds of conduct.

BACK rejection with 7 in the duct, the bogeyman of junior and senior students, this time dealing with remedial classes for school debt. Scarecrow, in fact, that in itself would not be sufficient to combat the numerous incidents of bullying which has been discussed in recent years. This view is shared by most of the deans of the colleges Savona stressing the importance of listening activities for kids consistent with the involvement of families. "I've never ever been to the penalties will be those which affect the behavior of students - says Gabriella Rosso, dean of the School Della Rovere - now we have tried everything and the results are the ones that we face. The risk of rejection with 7 in the duct may be a good deterrent but is not enough. The mortification of rejection, being repeaters, have to repeat the year in a class of boys 'small' is perchèè heavy as a kind of marking that forces the student to reconstruct his personality. But the rejection by itself is not enough for our kids who need above all to be heard and followed. In them I see a lot of anger and a desire to be helped, but adults are not always willing to do so. If I had I also conducted in a 7? Worse than 7, in first grade, in the first quarter, I had 5 in the duct, but it was the whole social system to be more rigid and much more severe than today. However, I was a little 'clumsy. The high school physics teacher I had chosen as an assistant, I have inadvertently done the damage as the car to blow up the tire blank during an experiment or dropping mercury. That physics lesson was funny for my company, but were involuntary actions, carelessness, nothing to do with the vandalism. "The Minister Maria Stella Gelmini showed that 7 in the conduct can be a bulwark against acts of violence and abuse against peers, but also teachers. In particular, it is considered a potential weapon against the dissemination of the "business" of the bullies on You-tube, which could create instances of emulation, which were made of stars long ago some students of the Institute for Land Surveyors. "Surely the 7 in the duct is not sufficient to curb bad behavior of certain phenomena and bullying-Alfonso Gargano says the dean of the Mazzini-Pancaldo-Martini - You need to do work for the upstream activities consistent with the law, codes of conduct. In our institute with a 7 in the duct, prior to the decree that restored the rejection, the student is excluded from sports and recreational activities from school trips. This "freeze" certain extracurricular activities until the boy recovers and does not demonstrate that it has changed its attitude. This can act as a deterrent and it often works. Unfortunately I have to confess that today's 7 in the duct are more common than in the past of abuse and certain behaviors on partners such as the creation of art in certain situations to make home video and put it on the Internet is a serious matter. In addition to 7 in conduct takes a continuing collaboration between schools, teachers and parents. Last year we organized a series of meetings with parents, teachers, psychologists and sociologists with the title "My son did not recognize you." An example of collective work for kids who would like to repeat. Were mostly mothers to attend and watch matches. "" I have not had the opportunity to read the decree-law - said the dean of the School Chiabrera William Marchisio - and the first to express an opinion I would like to have a complete picture. In principle I do not see in the 7 to conduct as a bad thing and I tend to say "yes, but then again, we must carefully consider the decree.

Elena Romani 06/08/2008 "When frequentavole medium I took a nice 7 in conduct - Savona says the actress Daniela Poggi - not because I wanted to bend a little game of power of the principal. I have not bowed my head and I was punished. Then I recovered, but if you go back do it again. I believe that the failure to restore the seven behavior is right. We have grown a youth rude, arrogant and violent. It takes more than rules. " 06/08/2008 "I was a regular guy, but I did mischief - says Archbishop Domenico Calcagno - remember when in elementary school, I did accidentally burn the roof of the school. In turn, both came to school for half an hour before starting the fire, but when it was up to me and we came to a companion Always late. The teacher threatened rejection and a companion then I went to the afternoon heat. But too warm, the teacher sent everyone home and told us to extinguish the fire. When it seemed that the fire had extinguished the fire broke out and the roof caught fire. "

06/08/2008 "I was always rather low marks in school and disasters combined - says Milena Milani - but to be rejected I do not care much. Frequented by artists already and this medium gave scandal. Also during the middle I took part in a competition of the Journal of Genoa, I won and I started to work with that newspaper. What was not appreciated by professori.Ed had support only from fellow students. "

Adapted from "Il Secolo XIX" 6/8/2008 of